Thursday, November 7, 2019

And Here We Go...

I have been plagued for awhile with failing and aging technology when it comes to writing in this blog. And also with writer's block and a few other issues, but lets focus on the tech problems for the moment.
The computer I have is over a decade old, and a far-geekier-than-I friend up and installed Linux on it which was not remotely user friendly imhop, although as I understand it, it is a far more stable platform than other operating systems out there - the Linux kernel is actually the underneath basis for Android phones! Mind blown.
Anyhow...I found the Linux less intuitive and cumbersome, but I was able to work around in it - the growing failures mechanically mounted up, as ports failed one by one, and - ahem - the, um, keyboard wound up staying attached to the screen by duct tape as the hinges let go.
Financially, getting a computer that actually ran well was problematic.
We have several times been seduced by incomparable LOW prices, only to discover that you actually can have a computer that doesn't have enough memory to support its own operating systems.
Not too mention you can grow mold and die of old age waiting for it to do anything.
Heck, the last one I'm pretty sure I was on my way to fossilization.
The old saw "You get what you pay for." remains true to this very day.
So at some point I do hope to get a computer that doesn't sing "If I only had a brain...", meanwhile a dear friend has come to my rescue with a Surface Notebook that she had grown out of.
It has its own quirks, evidently, and I'm sure I'll eventually find them all, heh.
But it runs up to speed, its NOT Linux empowered, glory hallelujah, and it's not held together with duct tape!
In fact at the moment the only real issue I'm having - and it's hilarious - is that this being a little notebook, the keyboard is likewise smaller than I'm used to, so I'm occasionally hitting the wood grain of the table, rather than, oh say, Tab or Enter or Shift. Pretty sure that knot in the wood grain up there isn't going to function as the backspace! The cats are looking at me rather funny!
However, a few days of typing on this will cure that as I get used to the new dimensions. I'm actually already doing much better than when I started this post. Nice!
Meanwhile, I actually am writing a blog post on this thing and it's actually working! I'm very happy with this!
So, tomorrow, my goal is to write another blog post. Well, okay, yes, its after midnight, so in the morning or maybe afternoon of today. The main point is to keep it going, and let the occasional missed days become the rarity rather than the norm.
I like my blog. I've missed it.
Its good to be back!

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